Panorama in the SOA ADX auditorium

Impactful archviz.

Six of our team attended State of Art Academy's - Academy Days 10 (ADX) event in Venice, a three day gathering of archviz professionals, artists and studios from around the world.

The event kicked off with experts from Corona Renderer, Quixel, AXYZ and Substance Designer leading workshops and providing demonstrations of the latest developments in their respective softwares, along with tips and tricks to improve quality and workflow.

Days two and three saw a fantastic line-up of speakers from experts and developers in the archviz, CG and games industry.

Promethian AI

Promethian AI.

Probably one of the most fascinating and beneficial technologies we spotted at ADX was Promethian AI.

Promethian is a stand alone application that allows developers to automatically generate environments using artificial intelligence. We can see real potential from Promethian to assist in populating interior scenes and accelerating the process of swapping out and positioning props.

Unreal Engine Real-time Raytracing

Real-Time ray tracing.

Unreal Engine presented some slick new features to their software, introducing a hybrid ray tracing solution that works in real-time by ray tracing selected passes to gain more subtle and accurate effects.

Friendly shade - High frequency normals

High frequency normals.

Friendly shade gave a presentation demonstrating the use of high frequency normal maps - which contain a lot of surface information - in place of glossiness maps. This is something we have been experimenting with recently using the photometric stereo techniques.

Pikcells team at Academy days 10

Tenth anniversary celebrations.

With Academy Days celebrating it's 10th anniversary this year SOA pulled out all the stops on the Friday night, with a fantastic secret party celebration.

Pikcells team at SOA ADX 10th anniversary celebrations
Pikcells team at SOA ADX 10th anniversary celebrations
SOA ADX 10th anniversary celebrations - fire dancers

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